The Weekend of a (This) Midwife

The weekend of a (this) midwife:
Friday, early morning- labor sit in the wee hours for about three hours until contractions completely stopped, go home and take kids to school. Try to rest a little throughout the day, but sleeping during the daylight hours is tricky. Pick up my son from school and take him to his violin lesson. Go watch my daughter perform in The Wizard of Oz as The Wicked Witch of the West- great show!! Get the real deal labor call for a different mother at 2:30 a.m. and support her until she welcomes her second daughter, Charlotte Rose at 8:24 a.m.
Zip home to honk the horn for the kids to hop in the car. Drop the 14 year old off at the theater so she can get into costume for her play. Take a seat in a restaurant to get a quick bite with the 8 year old before the play begins, but right after the drinks are ordered the Dad-to-be from Friday morning calls- mom needs me now! Drop my son off at the theater with some great stage moms (THANK YOU!!). Assist with the 11th child, but first water birth, for this wonderful family within an hour after the call from Dad- now they have 6 boys and 5 girls. Go home, clean up , eat dinner, crash!
Sunday morning- make a mid-morning visit to Charlotte and her mother, all is well! Eat lunch, clean, reorganize & sterilize my birth supplies, shop with my sister-in-law to be (wedding is in 2 weeks!) for wedding supplies. Get home eat dinner- crash.
Monday morning, around 1:30, receive a call from a third mother. Her third baby is ready to be born! Another lovely water birth at 3:12 a.m. Solomon was welcomed by his parents, sister and brother (brother slept through the whole birth!).
Go back home, make kids' lunches at 5:45 a.m. and rest for about 30 minutes before getting up to help with breakfast and school drop off. Mid-morning, have a lovely visit with the tie-breaking son (I suggested they name him Ty as in tie breaker, but there is already a family member by that name). Return home and begin paperwork- which continues until today! Waiting on one name so I can send in the final paperwork for the birth certificate.
And the weekend begins tomorrow.