Stop "googling!" Great books to read!
You will quickly learn that as a mama-to-be (and then also as a mama) "googling" can be a tight downward spiral into conflicting...

Online Resources - Prenatal
Due Date Calendar http://www.yourduedate.com/ Evidence Based Birth: Current evidence based information regarding pregnancy and birth...

Online Resources - Newborns/Breastfeeding
Newborn Metabolic Screening http://www.babysfirsttest.org/newborn-screening/states/south-carolina Breastfeeding, La Leche League...

Online Resources - Home Birth
Evidence Based Birth: Home Birth http://evidencebasedbirth.com/what-is-home-birth/ Aviva Romm, MD: An MD, CPM and herbalist...

Online Resources - Postpartum
Placenta Encapsulation http://placentabenefits.info/ Baby Wearing http://babywearinginternational.org/ Baby Blues...